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risks of excessive eating ice cream3

Ice cream, one of the most famous ice cream in the summer, tastes tasty and can revitalize the body and help it resist summer heat.
Dr. Marwa Imam, a nutritionist, says there are 3 risks of over-eating ice cream, including:

1 - abdominal obesity and buttocks, because it contains a high proportion of calories that cause obesity.

2 - high cholesterol in the body because it contains a high proportion of fat, which affects the health of the heart and blood vessels.

3 - tooth pain, due to cold ice cream affecting the teeth.

Marwa added that ice cream should not be over-consumed and should be taken once a week. It is preferable to keep away from it and replace it with natural juices manufactured at home with a little sugar, which is low in calories and provides the body with the necessary fluids and nutrients.
More: http://www.akhbarona.com/health/241510.html#ixzz5FNQNwqMb

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