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Morocco seeks support for international football associations for file "Morocco 2026"

With the deadline for the unveiling of the country that will win the confidence of the international football associations to host the 2026 World Cup, and in the context of mobilizing international support to vote on the Moroccan file, the Royal Moroccan Football Federation has sent a message to all international football associations to call for the Moroccan file, The FIFA Congress, which is hosted by the Russian capital, Moscow, on June 12-13.
The letter signed by the president of the Royal Football University, Fawzi Lakkaf, addressed to the representatives of the football federations who will meet next month in the Russian capital Moscow to vote for the country that will have the honor of organizing the World Cup in 2026, said: "We will meet again at the FIFA conference, The national decision-making authority to further develop the football that falls within the bets of the Kingdom, "adding that" Morocco is the land of football. "
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